Thursday, September 30, 2004


I'm back! Woohoo! Almost 2 months without home internet access is very, very painful. Reconnection would happen the day before I'm going away for the weekend. The ILA conference ends tomorrow, so look for a recap and thoughts on it around Monday or Tuesday. Maybe even Wednesday depending on how the weekend get-away goes.

Illinois Library Association Conference

I'm at the vendor Internet Cafe at the ILA conference right now. Lots of interesting things being discussed. I'll be posting more once we restore Internet access at home. We had lightning strike our property soon after my last post and it killed the cable modem, and we just recently learned, the computer it was hooked up to. Luckily, not mine, but still, very frustrating that I haven't been able to do things from home. I promise to be back soon. At least, that's what I hear from our IT guy.